Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Travel Writer/Editor Interview: Tom Swick

Jeff Meller
Travel Writer/Editor Interview
2 Oct 13
609 words

1.      Why did you become a travel writer?

I majored in English in college…. I wanted to be a writer, but realized that I had nothing to write about. I thought that if I traveled it would give me something to write about. So in 1975 after graduation I spent a year in France studying French. I wrote about how to live in France cheaply and how to get beneath the surface of a culture….

2.      Are there experiences that help to become a better travel writer?

My first journalistic job was as a feature writer. It taught me to focus on a place or a person about whom the feature was written. This focus has continued to inform my travel writing…. Travel writing should be more about the destination than about the writer.

3.      Were there travel writers who set an example which you strive to emulate?

Evelyn Waugh, When the Going Was Good.

4.      How has travel writing changed since 1975?

Has become much more “how to:” where to stay, where to eat, best rates…. This seems to be what most Americans want…. For the most part there is a lack of curiosity or interest in the outside world…. A cruise is a vacation, not travel…. Only 25 percent of Americans have passports; this is a distortion on the high side because passports often now are simply used for domestic identification.

5.            Why has travel writing changed?

The great travel writing in the 19th century primarily was by the British…. They were writing for an audience which never was going to see what the traveler was seeing…. It may be that with the current availability, egalitarianism and corporatization of travel, there is a race to mediocrity….

6.      Although it might not be what serious travel writers would like to produce, is the public getting from travel journalism what in fact the public wants?


7.      Do people from other cultures want different things when they travel?

The Germans are the best travelers. They are much better informed and do more preparation before traveling…. They ascribe their interest in meaningful travel to Goethe’s Italian Journey…. Recently the Poles are traveling more and more thoughtfully.

8.            Is travel writing different in different countries?

Travel writing still holds an important place in British publishing. It is not easy to tell whether this is British publishing leading the interest or reacting to public demand.

9.            What is the status of travel writers in the journalistic hierarchy?

Travel writers have low status…. Their journalistic colleagues believe that when travel writers are working they are on vacation…. Travel writers on assignment put in very long days because they want to be up early and stay up late to see what goes on in the locale they are visiting at the beginning and end of each day…. Also travel writers must know architecture, history, language, painting, nature to paint a complete picture of their destination.…

10.        Where is travel writing going in the future?

It is difficult to know…. The writing seems to be more analytic, in the style of Pico Iyer, than descriptive…. It is very hard to get published…. There are some decent online travel writing websites, but they pay authors at most $25 per story…. The best travel stories now appear not in travel magazines, but in literary or general-interest magazines which carry a travel story…. Travel writing has gone through cycles before; we may just be at the low point of another cycle.

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Telephone interview with Tom Swick, Sept. 24, 2013. 

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